
Miguel Nunes

Software Engineering

May, 1994

Porto, Portugal




  • Portuguese: Native
  • English: Basic

Programming Languages







  • Java
  • C++
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • C
  • Ruby
  • R
  • Python
  • Scheme




     Oracle PL/SQL

     MS SQL

     .Net Core

     Windows Forms
  • WPF
  • JQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Android
  • Xamarin
  • Ruby On Rails
  • Laravel
  • NodeJS
  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sqlite
  • Heroku
  • OpenCV
  • OpenGL
  • Swagger
  • Primavera ERP
  • LaTex
  • xPath
  • xQuery



     Visual Studio


     MS SQL Management Studio


  • Android Studio
  • Eclipse
  • R studio
  • Enterprise Architect

Operating Systems


  • Linux
  • Android

Dev. Methodologies



  • XP
  • Lean
  • Mob programming
  • Waterfall

Other skills

  • Teamwork
  • Responsability
  • Organization

About Me


Hi, I'm Miguel Nunes, the Software Engineer.

As far as I can remember, I have always been in love with cars and, later, with computers too. So the decision between mechanical engineer and software engineer wasn't easy but one thing was clear - I wanted to be an engineer. I'm very happy with my decision because I love technology and all that it makes possible, and cars are becoming big computers with some mechanical parts, so it's possible to work in both worlds.
So, I took a master's degree in Informatics and Computing Engineering at FEUP and I'm currently working as Software Engineer.

Work Experience

Critical Manufacturing
Dec 2020 - Current

Senior Software Engineer

Full Stack development of web applications: Angular, .Net Core, MS SQL;
Replacing motor's components with the car running, during a race...

Dec 2018 - Dec 2020

Software Engineer

Full Stack development of Windows' applications: .Net (Windows Forms, WPF) and Oracle PL/SQL;
Full Stack development of Web applications: Angular, .Net Core, MS SQL;
Test automation;

Jul 2017 - Dec 2018

Junior Software Engineer

Full Stack development of Windows' applications, using .Net (Windows Forms) and Oracle PL/SQL;
External clients’ applications development/maintenance;

INESC Technology and Science - Associate Laboratory
Jan 2017 - Jul 2017

Master Thesis

Computer-aided learning tool for Portuguese language (Android App)


Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto
2012 - 2017

Integrated Master in Informatics and Computing Engineering (3+2 years)

Grade: 17 out of 20

Escola Secundária de Penafiel
2009 - 2012

Science and Technology

Grade: 17 out of 20

Example of Course Projects

App to teach handwriting in portuguese (Android, MSc Thesis)

During my master thesis, I had to develop an Android app to help children learn writing in portuguese. This app includes exercises (~300) to children in preschool education and first grade. It's also possible to evaluate exercises resolutions and produce sounds since some students can't read at the target ages.

MSc Thesis @ INESC TEC


Social network website where the user can search for academic events of all kind and where the student's union can promote their own events.

APIs: Google Maps, Google Drive, Facebook

BizMe - Professional Events App (Android, Laravel)

An Android app for communication in the business context, made to simplify and quicken the exchange of contact information, while also offering information about professional events, such as contacts who are attending, and "discover" features.

LGP Challenge 2016 - Project with Adclick

Exploracafora (NodeJS, PostgreSQL, Postgis, HTML , JS, CSS, XML)

It's an web app that conjugates the visualization of portuguese map with the interactivity of an exploration game. It shows the animal species that can be found in your location and the objective is to travel around Portugal to discover all the territory and species existent there.

APIs: iGeo, Google Maps, GBIF

The Acme Café Order and Payment System (Android, NodeJS, Swagger)

Payment system composed by two different Android apps and central web server. Users can make orders in user's app, the request is then sent to the coffee app by QRCode or NFC. The server validates the payments and saves transactions history. The coffee app keeps payments information if the server is offline.

My touristic wallet (Xamarin)

Cross-platform app capable of evaluating into a single currency the amounts of foreign currencies (from several countries) a tourist has in his wallet.

API: Yahoo finance

Object Recognition in images (OpenCV, C++, Keras, Theano, Python)

The main goal of this project was to develop a system that can classify an image as being one of 10 different classes.Two solutions were implemented - one with SVMs and another with CNNs.

ElectroSinf (C#, Primavera ERP)

An online store website which uses Primavera ERP as the main data storage. It also offers some online Primavera ERP functionalities like consulting invoices.

Quoridor (Java, IA)

Implementation of Quoridor board game were you can play against the PC. PC uses MINIMAX and A* algorithms to choose the best move each time.

Smart traffic lights (Java, Agents)

Implementation of different strategies for smart traffic lights using Multi-Agent Systems in Java.

Simulator: SUMO